Professional Liability Defense Federation

Severity of Legal Malpractice Claims Surges: Report

June 21, 2022

According to a report from specialty broker Ames & Gough, the severity of legal malpractice claims are up dramatically from last year.  Of the leading 11 insurers writing lawyers professional liability insurance surveyed, seven reported claims frequency similar to 2020. However, the report notes that the last several years have been the worst on record…

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Lawyers Must Exercise Caution in Responding to Online Criticism to Ensure Strict Adherence to Confidentiality Obligations

March 24, 2021

As with all industries facing increasingly vocal consumers enabled by numerous online outlets to comment on products and services, lawyers regularly find themselves targets of negative reviews or other online criticism.  However, lawyers are uniquely constrained in their ability to respond to such criticism by applicable ethical rules.  The American Bar Association (“ABA”) recently opined…

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