Ethical Advice and Opinions
The firm offers ethical advice to its clients on issues involving the following matters:
- Conflicts with former or current clients
- Confidentiality
- Potentially engaging in business transactions with a client
- Advertising and marketing
- Billing practices
- Concerns arising from escrow account discrepancies
- Firm management
- Business arrangements
In addition, the firm is regularly retained on subpoena assistance basis to represent professional clients who have been subpoenaed to testify and/or produce records by the Internal Revenue Service, in custody disputes, or in litigation involving former or current clients. Such advice includes analysis and, where necessary, the filing of motions for protective order or appearance at trial or deposition to ensure that the professional client protects client confidences and privileges.

Contact Us About Ethical Advice and Opinions
If you would like further information or wish to retain the firm, please contact Stephen Cornelius (Click Here for a direct link via email).