Real Estate Agent and Broker Liability

Eccleston & Wolf has experience with a broad range of matters involving real estate agent and broker liability. The firm has represented individuals and entities sued in all aspects of a real estate transaction, including:

  • Real estate agents and brokers,
  • Sellers and buyers to the transaction,
  • Settlement agents and attorneys,
  • Surveyors,
  • Title abstractors,
  • Title insurers,
  • Lenders,
  • Home inspectors, and
  • Termite inspectors.

This representation has included the defense of alleged fraud and/or negligent misrepresentation, negligence, violations of RESPA and Truth-in-Lending statutes, private mortgage lending requirements, failures to disclose or discover title defects including easements and judgment liens, surveying errors, boundary and title disputes, and failure to provide title insurance for similar alleged defects. This representation has not only included the defense of such claims in claims asserted in law, but also the representation of such parties in declaratory judgment actions.

In addition, Eccleston & Wolf has represented insurers and their insureds in subrogation claims against other professionals in the chain of privity for their negligence in the handling of various aspects of a real estate transaction.

real estate agent liability

Contact Us About Real Estate Agent and Broker Liability

If you would like further information or wish to retain the firm, please contact Stephen Cornelius (Click Here for a direct link via email).